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Showing posts from 2006

When life is a carnival...

We all know that life is not always ... Beer & skittles, but if there is enough joy to to get ya up in the morning then that alone should be enough to get you through. Every morning you wake to find your not dead you are ahead of the game cause that same morning you wake up to feel your body and all it's aches, pains and such many are finding themselves in much worse situations. So ride the coaster and the ferris wheel and don't worry too much bout how long you have to stand in line, cause you still get to ride as long as you got some life in ya.

Destiny cannot be escaped!

Hello dear reader.... and probably it is "reader" in the singular quite literally. There may not be many reading this these days, but I'll keep writing as if there are. Anyway... the topic for this post is the way people deal with what seems to me logical conclusions & consequences. One of the things I will never understand is why more often than not people will tend to believe that the worst will not happen, when the worst is happening all around the world every second, and has been as long as there have been people Think of the person waiting for the results of their recent medical checkup... and horrors the prognosis is not good... and this person immediately say to himself or outlet..."why me?", "why me?" Maybe they smoke too mush, or drank too much it doesn't matter they could be a total health nut that treats the body like a temple... the answer to the question ... "why me?"is... "Why the Fuji not you!" Then there is t...

What you look like is what you are

It funny how people make all sorts of judgments about what you are based on outward appearances... Today wjile I was out testing my new digi cam all the people I ran into assumed I was a photographer. I guess the camera and associated gear was the reason. No one asked though they just needed to put me in a category and that was the easiest. When I stumbled upon a trio playing in the Gallery Victoria they assumed I was a photographer never did it occur to them that I am in fact a guitarist. It gave me a strange sense of freedom to be mis-labeled.

My camera... all beat to hell but I still love it!

Well as you can see my little digi is as beat up as it can be, I've left pieces of it in from Melbourne to NYC and it still takes a great pic. Some might say that it is time for a new one, truth be told I do have another but when I'm out for the day I always take the old one with it dodgy shutter button and lackey band that keeps the batteries in... I don't hold out hope of it being fixed or that some how it might heal itself... I just have such a wonderful history with it. It's taken pics of my daughter, my mom harijuku, Abbey road and so many others... is it wrong to be faithful to an inanimate object? My guitar says no. technorati tags: camera , digital , favorite , pics Blogged with Flock

No Answers Just More Questions

No Answers… Just More Questions After more than 15 years living away from America I think I have learned a few things about societies and the way they accept or exclude certain people. My own country has had what I have always thought was a bizarre take on race & inclusion, who will be let in and who will be pushed to the outer ring of society seemed to be based solely on the our very familiar two colour scheme, but from where I sit now that idea seems painfully simplistic. It is now becoming clearer to me what the real basis of American hierarchical structure is built upon, and to my surprise it is in fact not really any different to those same types of social structures of any other culture, and has much less to do with the colour line than I would have ever believed. Could it be that the old idea of black versus white was never truly what it was really about? Could it be that a lifetime in “the struggle”(both sides of it) makes one blind to the realities? Could it be true that t...

Stuff Wot I made!

Here area few things that have come out of my workshop lately Maybe I'll post some more soon. Guitar / Mandolin / Music stand A mission-ish style coat rack and A Go board

What not to wear

What not to wear It’s no mystery to those that know me that I have a bit of a thing for this British show. There are plenty of people doing good deeds around the world, some small and some large. Have no doubt that Trinny & Susanna are among them. You can say what you want about fashion but when you realize what people would get up to without some guidelines well you get down and thank the fashion gods for decreeing that some things are just wrong if only someone would have stopped me from the rust coloured ‘Swedish knit pants, matching shirt & rust coloured white marshmallow sole shoes! Granted it was the early 80’s and fashion hadn’t been invented yet. I love to see the looks on the faces of the people that these two drag kicking & screaming into a new fashion future. It is absolutely unbelievable what can be done with a little fashion guidance. The new word from the BBC is that What not to wear will go on without Trinny & Suze… Shock, Horror! Not that the two lovely ...

The world's fastest Indian

From the time I first heard about this film I thought to myself "sounds good ... Can't wait to see it!" I have always been a sucker for a "true - ish" story, I don't know exactly how much of it is true but if 1% of it is then what the poster says is very true it is on hell of a story. Anthony Hopkins is a pleasure to watch in any role but this one is particularly good, he plays an eccentric Kiwi motorcyclist determined to run his 1920 Indian at the Bonneville salt flats during speed week. That's the basic story but as in life the real excitement is in the journey. Mr. Hopkins' performance is clear and intense he seems to live the character and in no longer than five minutes I was rooting for Burt to win the day, I was there with him as he jumped every hurdle and sidestepped every obstacle and it was a great ride. It is rare these days that a film is truly uplifting, and devoid of any downside, just pure entertainment. Go see it!... NOW! The real Burt...

The last thing we did shoulda been first!

While we were in japan it had occured to me that it would be a great opportunity to indulge my great love of Zushi. I had visions of wondering from one Zushi bar to another in a fish fuelled, wasabi flavored, saki adelled mission to eat my weight of the stuff (pretty odd for a guy that wouldn't even eat rice we he was young) As it turned out we didn't even get any Zushi till our last day in Japan, while waiting for our flight we had a few hours to fill and fill them we did in the town of Narita. We had stayed in a hotel near narita but we didn't really take a look around, so we just hit the streets and started walking round that's when we found this place. When we walked in there were just a couple of patrons there two very nice women that seemd to be friends of the owners. The owners a man and woman in there late 40's by my best guess had no english and we had little or no Japanese, but still we got our messages across We had a sampler of of the best he had ... an...

Kiss Kiss bang Bang

Just the other day I had the pleasure of seeing a film that had been on my 'to see' list for a while... "kiss kiss bang bang. I can't say enough good things about it, of course there is one thing that we should all know by now... A film with Robert Downey Jr. in it should be seen! I mean even if everything about the film has gone wrong this fantastic actors performance will be worth seeing. The pacing was just right & downey's naration left me rolling on the floor laughing. The story is fantastic great 'pulp' novel stuff as well as some unique film-making I won't say too much but just get to your local video shop, rent it & watch. I am becoming a Val kilmer fan (there's some words i never thought I write) His performance as 'Gay Perry' was great although as a gay male... well... none the less he was good. the last thing I saw him in was 'Spartan' another great film.

Commander - In - Chief

I've always had a thing for Geena Davis. But you know when it comes to television dramas you have to be very careful before you invest even an hour. I must admit that Geena does as good a job as is possible with the material. ( hey... I'd vote for her) I really loved her with Samuel Jackson in " Long Kiss Goodnight" I wonder if there could be a way to mix those two roles... Something like... An amnisiac first female president hell bent on revenge. 

Leave a message after the beep!

After I'm gone you'll be sorry you didn't leave a comment!


I try to keep informed about the latest things going home in the states but I did not know this was in the works... Here's the low down. Two families, one black, one white They are transformed through the use of make up, the white family black and the black family white and unleashed upon the unsuspecting world. They also live together. This is probably one of the better uses for reality TV. Take a look for yourself.

...But she is beautiful!

Had a couple of moments last week where I thought... "What would have happened if I had not left NYC?" I know that this kind of thinking can do me no good. I never want to go back to that place agin where I could not free my mind of visions of my old life. I have to make a reminder to nip that kind of thing in the bud.

I was gone but now I'm back!

Due to so many things ... Moving house, net connection down, and other things, I have been unable to make posts on a regular basis. But now with the new home settling , and my precious connection back I will be posting more than ever. If there is anyone out there please stay tuned. settling steeling Sterling sterling styling Edit... Revert to "settleing"

This is a world public service announcement!

Check out Favorville From time to time someone comes up with a really good idea, something that can help the world at large, and maybe you in particular... favorville is one of those ideas. Simply stated it is a twist on the idea of the favor bank. You can post your need for a favor or reply to a favor asked for, in your town or around the world. It is all free and at the very least you should check it out for yourselves. I've joined up... in my never ending effort to do whatever little things I can to make some kind of difference. Nuff Said!