Just the other day I had the pleasure of seeing a film that had been on my 'to see' list for a while...
"kiss kiss bang bang.
I can't say enough good things about it, of course there is one thing that we should all know by now... A film with Robert Downey Jr. in it should be seen!
I mean even if everything about the film has gone wrong this fantastic actors performance will be worth seeing.
The pacing was just right & downey's naration left me rolling on the floor laughing.
The story is fantastic great 'pulp' novel stuff as well as some unique film-making
I won't say too much but just get to your local video shop, rent it & watch.
I am becoming a Val kilmer fan (there's some words i never thought I write) His performance as 'Gay Perry' was great although as a gay male... well... none the less he was good. the last thing I saw him in was 'Spartan' another great film.

"kiss kiss bang bang.
I can't say enough good things about it, of course there is one thing that we should all know by now... A film with Robert Downey Jr. in it should be seen!
I mean even if everything about the film has gone wrong this fantastic actors performance will be worth seeing.
The pacing was just right & downey's naration left me rolling on the floor laughing.
The story is fantastic great 'pulp' novel stuff as well as some unique film-making
I won't say too much but just get to your local video shop, rent it & watch.
I am becoming a Val kilmer fan (there's some words i never thought I write) His performance as 'Gay Perry' was great although as a gay male... well... none the less he was good. the last thing I saw him in was 'Spartan' another great film.
