From the time I first heard about this film I thought to myself "sounds good ... Can't wait to see it!"
I have always been a sucker for a "true - ish" story, I don't know exactly how much of it is true but if 1% of it is then what the poster says is very true it is on hell of a story.
Anthony Hopkins is a pleasure to watch in any role but this one is particularly good, he plays an eccentric Kiwi motorcyclist determined to run his 1920 Indian at the Bonneville salt flats during speed week.

That's the basic story but as in life the real excitement is in the journey.
Mr. Hopkins' performance is clear and intense he seems to live the character and in no longer than five minutes I was rooting for Burt to win the day, I was there with him as he jumped every hurdle and sidestepped every obstacle and it was a great ride.
It is rare these days that a film is truly uplifting, and devoid of any downside, just pure entertainment.
Go see it!... NOW!
