I had visions of wondering from one Zushi bar to another in a fish fuelled, wasabi flavored, saki adelled mission to eat my weight of the stuff (pretty odd for a guy that wouldn't even eat rice we he was young)
As it turned out we didn't even get any Zushi till our last day in Japan, while waiting for our flight we had a few hours to fill and fill them we did in the town of Narita.
We had stayed in a hotel near narita but we didn't really take a look around, so we just hit the streets and started walking round that's when we found this place.
When we walked in there were just a couple of patrons there two very nice women that seemd to be friends of the owners.
The owners a man and woman in there late 40's by my best guess had no english and we had little or no Japanese, but still we got our messages across
We had a sampler of of the best he had ... and boy was it great!
We wandered around Narita for the day stopping at a great gourmet coffee shop, a hardware store (yeah hardware... found a nice pull-saw there) some clothing shops and a Tyco drum dealer that spoke fantastic english ( boy could we have used him at the start of the japan leg) we had a great ol' time.
We should have started by seeing that town.
Oh well next time ... and there will be a next time.