Hello dear reader.... and probably it is "reader" in the singular quite literally.
There may not be many reading this these days, but I'll keep writing as if there are.
Anyway... the topic for this post is the way people deal with what seems to me logical conclusions & consequences.
One of the things I will never understand is why more often than not people will tend to believe that the worst will not happen, when the worst is happening all around the world every second, and has been as long as there have been people

Think of the person waiting for the results of their recent medical checkup... and horrors the prognosis is not good... and this person immediately say to himself or outlet..."why me?", "why me?" Maybe they smoke too mush, or drank too much it doesn't matter they could be a total health nut that treats the body like a temple... the answer to the question ... "why me?"is... "Why the Fuji not you!"
Then there is the person that spends life cutting corners taking the easy way and then when the inevitable reckoning comes it all "What did I do to deserve this?"
Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that everything that happens to people is deserved, it's just that most could be expect.
Take my first example... Smoking, drinking, and the like lead to a well known conclusion, so each time you take a drag on that smoke, you should realize that it maybe leading you to an early grave. (oh ... not for nothing but I feel I should say I am a smoker)
Then there are the social dilemmas that can be predicted ... but somehow sneak under the radar.
Like why don't my children have any respect for me?
Well since you've made no attempt to explain to them why there must be bounderies and such,
of course there will be a train wreck.
As sure as there is a sunset every evening.