Don't get me wrong We need to know when our fellow humans are in distress... But to just observe these horrors and not help is just wrong.
To actually help should be the goal behind showing these things... Not charity, or sympathy but involvement.
How can it be justified by news agencies to spend millions upon millions to "cover" a horrible event and nothing to help?
Let's just put away that notion of "journalistic integrity" if it ever existed at all it is surely long dead now.
News bringer have long ago crossed the line and become news makers, so why not do some good?
Not theoretical good but real good... I mean they are there at the scene, with little to do but rehash a story over and over.
As for film... We all know that the budget for one "blockbuster" film could solve a lot of the world's problems.
You say they are helping ... Through their story telling?
Well that would be true if there was even a modicum of truth in any of their stories.
Does anyone doubt that when the story of New Orleans or of Natatlie Holloway are made ( and they will be) that the truth will be sacrificed for the sake of a good story?
Remember ... Life is not more complicated... people are just smaller.
