There are tree lined streets like the one here and places that seem to be on a downward slide.
We all share the same disappointment and frustration with our elected representatives.
Really ... the differences are very subtle matters of politics & lifestyle.
At this time in history when both of the countries seem to be reading from the same political "playbook" I wonder how compatible the goals of these two countries really are?
From the moment I arrived in Australia the main grievance many Australians had with the country of my birth was what was then called "Cultural Imperialism" which to my mind did not exist 15 years ago or even 5 years ago, but now that we have all been drawn into this insane and counterproductive conflict I fear Australia has opened itself up for a true dose of "Cultural Imperialism" now that America feels that there is something to be gained by inflicting it goals upon this nation that like it's ecosystem knows little of the ways of natural predators.
