I have just been watching and listening to an essay by Jeff Rosenblatt on the Newshour.
His subject today was Rosa Parks and the effects of her actions upon all of us, Mr. Rosenblatt brought an idea to the front of my mind that is not considered enough in these times, the actions we all take does truly effect us all.
They may not be world-changing actions but they all ripple through the world the same way.
It makes me wonder…do we really appreciate the effect we have on this world and if we don’t… then really what are we doing?
It is not impportant that we remember Mrs parks as a pioneering African American, but as simply a fredom fighter, fightiing to free herself and the man taking her fingerprints in the picture above.
She was not a saint or sent by any diety she was simply one of us, and we should remember we are ALL that.