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Showing posts from 2005

A short post from ruby

I still don't know what all the fuss is about at this time of year!

That's another one in the bag!

Yes, Christmas is over for another year. The presents have been given, and received. Families have gotten together and shared the love. and the war rages on. Fear not the assault on Christmas... but do fear the assault on sensibility. Good luck... and good night!

Once you do a thing... it becomes easy to repeat it

Can you believe that we have arrived at a place where American’s are advocating the use of torture by interrogators to get information out of prisoners? We should all be clear that no matter what their political grouping, or philosophical beliefs they are Americans. John McCain has had experience on one side of the experience, but what about the other side? Doesn’t the act of torturing a fellow human being take something valuable away from the torturer? Won’t the world think less of America (if that is possible) if we begin to do things that we have said we would stand against? These are questions we must ask before we allow this type of thing to go on. Before we allow the still yet to be realised dream of building a better society for all Americans to die, we had better be damn sure that the world that will follow the death of that goal is one we would want to live in.

What Is Happening to America?

How hard is it to stand for peace, honour and justice? As a child living in New York in the 70’s the fact that my country at least seemed to value these ideas gave me strength and sustained me through times when my fellow Americans found it hard to deal with the things that make me different. The very simple ideas contained in the constitution and the bills of rights stood in my life then, and still stand, as ideals, but more than political ideals more as a map to a better life, to a better existence. Not just for myself, but for all people. I think of the ideas in the American constitution, bill of rights and many other documents that mankind has created to make sense of and in some way contain the evil that men do as more than politically relevant, they are ideas that have given me strength when that evil has come knocking, and it comes knocking often The following words have always made me think about the gravity of my actions as they relate to the world at large, and don’t be foole...

The truth is...

Living in Australia is much like living in almost any western country, there are cities and towns bent upon achieving their goals, good people and bad making their way through their lives seeking meaning and love. There are tree lined streets like the one here and places that seem to be on a downward slide. We all share the same disappointment and frustration with our elected representatives. Really ... the differences are very subtle matters of politics & lifestyle. At this time in history when both of the countries seem to be reading from the same political "playbook" I wonder how compatible the goals of these two countries really are? From the moment I arrived in Australia the main grievance many Australians had with the country of my birth was what was then called "Cultural Imperialism" which to my mind did not exist 15 years ago or even 5 years ago, but now that we have all been drawn into this insane and counterproductive conflict I fear Australia h...

Rosa Parks: One of us.

I have just been watching and listening to an essay by Jeff Rosenblatt on the Newshour. His subject today was Rosa Parks and the effects of her actions upon all of us, Mr. Rosenblatt brought an idea to the front of my mind that is not considered enough in these times, the actions we all take does truly effect us all. They may not be world-changing actions but they all ripple through the world the same way. It makes me wonder…do we really appreciate the effect we have on this world and if we don’t… then really what are we doing? It is not impportant that we remember Mrs parks as a pioneering African American, but as simply a fredom fighter, fightiing to free herself and the man taking her fingerprints in the picture above. She was not a saint or sent by any diety she was simply one of us, and we should remember we are ALL that.

Human suffering

Why does is so much time on TV and in Film devoted to human suffering? Don't get me wrong We need to know when our fellow humans are in distress... But to just observe these horrors and not help is just wrong. To actually help should be the goal behind showing these things... Not charity, or sympathy but involvement. How can it be justified by news agencies to spend millions upon millions to "cover" a horrible event and nothing to help? Let's just put away that notion of "journalistic integrity" if it ever existed at all it is surely long dead now. News bringer have long ago crossed the line and become news makers, so why not do some good? Not theoretical good but real good... I mean they are there at the scene, with little to do but rehash a story over and over. As for film... We all know that the budget for one "blockbuster" film could solve a lot of the world's problems. You say they are helping ... Through their story telling? Well that w...

How one word can change the world for the better!

It is sort of my pet project to try to think of new ways to make society work in this peculiar age we have made, this age of ineffective protests & apathetic people. You may have read my answer to politics "just say Duh" which I think is a valid response to politics as they exist today. Now in response to numerous asinine statements by people that have not learned enough to know better I have come up with another response to help cope with another brand of "social nonsense". It may be to late for some, like G.W. Bush, Kim Jong Il & certain Muslim clerics to name just a few and it does take a measure of civic responsibility (something society is not strong on these days). Here's how it works (don't worry it's easy to say and easy to spell... I dare say you may have used it in your life already) the very next time you hear someone say the "Jews are all..." Or "the Blacks are..." Or "Women always..." Or "Men only ...

Why does there have to be a racial component?

Why does their have to be a racial component to everything? People in Louisiana are suffering & dying, what the hell difference does it make what colour they are. If we could agree that ALL people are the same not in legislation but in our hearts life would be much better. Yes… simplistic I know but if it is… then why have we not done it?

Jumping on the Fire/paddy wagon

Jumping on the Fire / paddy wagon Listen I’m not jumping on the bandwagon of people that have a sudden reverence for those that have protected us for more years than anyone reading this has been alive. I have always felt that these men and women deserved an amount of respect for fighting what is a basic human response… to run away from fire… to run away from gunshots and danger. Now both these disciplines have their bad sides but we know what life would be like without them. They are but humans doing a hard job just like the rest of us… I’ll be the first to admit if I blow the changes to Giant Steps no one gets hurt but if one of them does the job wrong someone might die. There it is in a nutshell! Thanks guys! Nuff said!

Are we so different?

When I started this blog my intent was to make a case for our sameness as a race... to highlight the falseness of the spaces that separate us. I wanted to simply say to all the people on this planet ( My Family) that it is much wiser to get together than it is to continue down the road killing everyone we see for arbitrary reasons of our own creation. Now don't get me wrong... I am not the salt of the earth, not filled with the milk of human kindness, nor am I the guy that would be described as one that would give you the shirt off his back. I am a simple realist... It is simply "bad for business" to hate, and in my humble opinion quite simple-minded. When I was young and still forming, the impulse to go along with the crowd just was not in me I don't know why. When I left my home to play or go to school it was always an adventure (it still is) I wanted to meet people... in my neighborhood, town, country, world... and as my circle got larger I realized that it was har...

Road to Queenstown

Road to Queenstown Originally uploaded by Monk Peabody . Can't you just feel the alpine-y goodness? New Zealands South Island. On a trip with "She who's name is not spoken"

4 guitar stand

Hey ... I just love to make stuff! Here's my newest thing. A home stand for 4 of my most used guitars. It keeps them all to hand. Ya can't play em' if they're in a case! Wood is good!

The New Amp

I'll say it again so it won't be missed... Berringer make a shit amp! Ok then here we go. I went out and got a new amp to replace the DUD I got a while back. This one looks like a goer! I have not been a big fan of Yamaha amps but I have some faith in this one. bought it used from Cash Converter, so fingers crossed. I gotta get a magic 8-ball to help with these decisions. So now I'm searchin for a bass player to do some duo gigs with me.

Fox News: The Death Channel?

Is it just me or has Fox news made some sort of deal with the grim reaper! It seems to me like every time I tune it in there is a story of someone gone missing, someone's body being found or some kind of death watch. What is the point of an interview that asks questions like ... " So you have no idea what has happened to ...? or "did anything seem wrong the last time you spoke to...? How is that doing anyone any good? I just use Fox as an example but this kind of thing goes on at every channel. I think it's time we took a loong look at the news we are getting ...and not getting. 

What happened to self - government and the will of the people?

"We exist, and are quoted as standing proofs that a government, so modeled as to rest continually on the will of the whole society, is a practicable government." --Thomas Jefferson to Richard Rush, 1820. ME 15:284 Thomas Jefferson was capable of truly stunning thought, but no more than we all are ! As a people our will can be a stunning force for the common good, for our world. I realize that it is way too early in history to even hope for a world without borders or even one where our differences are praised, but neither is this country, this world, made of opposing parties each hoping to rule the others. We have as Americans & as a world learned to sacrifice our common will to those with a "vision", our new "Kings" unfortunately we have also learned to believe that we have no right to self govern. We play right into their hands, becoming more isolated, lonely & pathetic with every liberty that is taken from us, our power & strength being erod...

Marshall McLuhan, reality T.V. & why The price of eternal vigilance is indifference.

Ok I'm gonna take the risk of sounding like some flipped out media student here but I have a few things to say about Television. Yes... That's Television with a capital "T". First make no mistake I love my T.V. in fact I have a few of them and I love them all equally and unconditionally, but I don't trust them! Only a fool would! Television brings entertainment, Information and even info-tainment ( if you let it ) into our lives. Television can do good things but we as watchers shouldn't let ourselves believe that it or the people that control it "care" about us! Television should not only be watched but observed, for it has the potential to do us great harm. These days we seem to be so willing to give over so much of our belief to "The Box" and all those that find themselves on it, it is starting to become common belief that there is something special about our celebrities. Nothing could be further from the truth! They are made up of the ...

Come on down to Guitartown!

Come on down to Guitartown! Yeee Ha! Jeez... I just love Guitars! The look of em' The feel of em' The sound of em! Not just mine, but damn near every one I've ever seen, I'm still working towards the day when I can walk into any shop and say " I'll have one of each!" "Now... put em' on the truck!" Just recently i stumbled across this site that let's you put images on stuff, I just put up a few items that i think you'll like . Click on in and check em out!

This is what I am.

I can feel that it's about time I started playing again! I've been laying off for too long now. For so long i have been taking my time in getting back, from a injury I though would end it all, but that's all over now and i am back in the pink (if not pink then a lovely coffee brown) . Time to get some while the gettin's good.