Theres always a lot of talk about what we deserve...
or don't deserve
much "damn... I didn't deserve that" or
"What did I do to deserve this?"
But I think the real point lies in the idea that for some reason we tend to believe that the universe (for lack of a better term) has some interest in what happens to us.
I mean does the universe still sob over the fate of the dinosaurs?
Does it ponder still over the fates of the many we have all lost?
If I trip and fall in the path of an oncoming tram will the universe, god, buddha or the tooth fairy send a card to my mom to say " That was just fucked up what happened to your boy... we all regret it and hope you get over it soon."
I think not.
The fact is that in the grand scheme none of us matter much ... and that's ok.
Because we never did.
I wonder when mankind got the idea that we are the lynch pin of the universe?
Sure for a long time we believed we were the centre of it all but that was pure ignorance now that we know much better what do we do?
Will we finally kill off the gods that have shackled us since we invented them?
Maybe make some real progress?
It seems unlikely that we will
There will always be one group waiting for the return of this one or some event that will return us to our long lost & forgotten former glory.
In fact we have just lived through the latest rapture when the true believers were to be reunited with that long absent christian god... son of god?
Member of the holy trinity?
I can never be sure
but it came and past us by like a speeding car on a motorway.
I suppose the true believers were really disappointed
For my part I have always thought it a wild idea that the very entity that preaches non judgement , bloke peace would have the sack to condemn a very large segment of mankind to eternal servitude in the pits of hell.
I mean surely Jesus is one of the world's great pushovers ...
I mean a bit of " Jesus I have sinned", "I knew not what I did!"
"I'm on the path now!"
I mean if you believe it ( and I dare say you would if faced with the rapture) surely the big guy would let you in like a favorable door guy outside of 54.
"come on... get in before someone sees ya!" he'd say and you in the party, so whats to worry?
"And Jesus ?"
"Can I borrow the car ... & $20 ?"
"Sure" he'd say "now get in there you little scamp"
If you were a sinner
like myself
Even if I was sent down
just the fact that there was a satan and hell means that the opposite must be true so even while burning in hells everlasting fire I've gotta be happy for gods in his heaven with my family & friends and all is right in the world.
So take me away!
Its all good!
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