You know … it occurs to me , after all these years that there have been so many directional clues that I have not considered along the way to here . Maybe I'm a little slow or mybe I just lost focus for a while... or maybe , and this is the part that scares me, maybe I have a fatal flaw when it comes to women, it's not that the women I have known were bad, far from it, I have been extremely lucky to have known every one of them, but I am sure now, that as much as I would have wished it were not so, in every case we were not suited to each other. Is it the accumulating years that lead me to believe that the ones that I did not explore fully are the very ones I may have had the best chance with? Or is it just that crazy “road not taken” thing that does it? I would have liked to grow with someone, but it seems that is not my fate. I have wanted that thing , that ubiquidious “spark” I think in some cases I have tried to build the spark bu that can't work. Other times I have hop...
1 part stream of consciousness, 2 parts social commentary, 3 parts the effect life is having on me, and the effect I try to have on life.