What does love look like? Well, there are as many answers to that question as there are blades of grass on a footy oval but let’s look at one answer that I found while watching Marco Polo a stunning Netflix series. Our two lovers in this example are the characters Lotus ( Michele Yeoh ) and One Hundred eyes ( Tom Wu ) the scene I’d like to draw your attention to is a unique and poignant one. One Hundred eyes who is blind but in the tradition of the Martial Arts genre shows few, if any signs of blindness, able to move about, fight with unmatchable prowess, and perceive that which the eyes almost always miss. Through selfless and selfish acts on both their parts, these two lovers are separated, though the love between them only grows stronger. Suddenly their obits realign and Lotus finds One Hundred Eyes, the lover she thought was lost to her, working out in his Dojo. Lotus watches from the shadows, being careful not to make a sound. As...
1 part stream of consciousness, 2 parts social commentary, 3 parts the effect life is having on me, and the effect I try to have on life.