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Showing posts from April, 2010


Listen... It is sad to say but No matter how hard we try... none of us can avoid being put into some group. Black, White, Asian, Jew. Man, Woman. Straight, Gay. Those are just the easy ones... it seems the longer I live, the more subsets I hear of and/or are added to, I guess that just comes with the gift of life. I have never really understood why the desire to break life down to subjective groupings is so attractive. I have to accept it ... I guess... but i can't shake the feeling that we'd be much better off if we could take the judgment out of our little groupings. There has... as long as I can remember, been one particular bit of nonsense that gets my blood boiling and sad to say that I have heard this same nonsense come from the mouths of just about every kind of person. I'm sure you know it... it goes like this... " I have no problem with _ _ _ _ _ _ " or " _ _ _ _ control everything" or " _ _ _ _ _ _ just need to get over it" or ...