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Showing posts from January, 2010

Oprah quits !

There is one thing that bothers me ... well actually there are a lot of things but for this post let's try to focus on one. No it's not that Oprah will not be doing her thing on our TV screens ( It is a concern though ... think of all the comedy routines that will never be written) or the uneasy feeling I get when thinking that politics might be her next thing! Again... a valid concern but the real thing that gets me is a strange phenomenon that occurs anytime a "black story " happens. Anytime Oprah, Michael Jackson or any other black personality find their way into the daily news report ( News... that is funny) a fantastical thing happens, Black reporters that have not been seen since that last "Black Story" suddenly appear on on our screens but hey let's not make this a black thing... same thing happens with Koreans , Latino, Chinese , Japanese ... it's like there is some strange journalistic Green Room where "ethnic" reporters wait for ...