That's it friends, . I've finally flipped it! I'm going to keep writing on my favourite subject "Why humans (myself included) are so damn stupid", for a million posts or until the world's problems are solved... or fail to do so! and then... I'm going over to my window, to slide it open and shout... "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! I've had enough of these life sucking idiots constantly assaulting me with their half-baked ideas about how the world is shaped, conveniently over looking the very basic fact that we should be shaping our world and we would if we could get up off our big fat asses for more than 5 minutes to get involved I can no longer take the endless waste and the resistance to truth that the way we live has brought. So whatcha you gonna do about it ... Mr. Schmarty, pants? well... glad You asked! First we gotta go way back... to take a look at all the crap we refused to give proper c...
1 part stream of consciousness, 2 parts social commentary, 3 parts the effect life is having on me, and the effect I try to have on life.