No Answers… Just More Questions After more than 15 years living away from America I think I have learned a few things about societies and the way they accept or exclude certain people. My own country has had what I have always thought was a bizarre take on race & inclusion, who will be let in and who will be pushed to the outer ring of society seemed to be based solely on the our very familiar two colour scheme, but from where I sit now that idea seems painfully simplistic. It is now becoming clearer to me what the real basis of American hierarchical structure is built upon, and to my surprise it is in fact not really any different to those same types of social structures of any other culture, and has much less to do with the colour line than I would have ever believed. Could it be that the old idea of black versus white was never truly what it was really about? Could it be that a lifetime in “the struggle”(both sides of it) makes one blind to the realities? Could it be true that t...
1 part stream of consciousness, 2 parts social commentary, 3 parts the effect life is having on me, and the effect I try to have on life.