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Showing posts from October, 2005

How one word can change the world for the better!

It is sort of my pet project to try to think of new ways to make society work in this peculiar age we have made, this age of ineffective protests & apathetic people. You may have read my answer to politics "just say Duh" which I think is a valid response to politics as they exist today. Now in response to numerous asinine statements by people that have not learned enough to know better I have come up with another response to help cope with another brand of "social nonsense". It may be to late for some, like G.W. Bush, Kim Jong Il & certain Muslim clerics to name just a few and it does take a measure of civic responsibility (something society is not strong on these days). Here's how it works (don't worry it's easy to say and easy to spell... I dare say you may have used it in your life already) the very next time you hear someone say the "Jews are all..." Or "the Blacks are..." Or "Women always..." Or "Men only ...