Jumping on the Fire / paddy wagon Listen I’m not jumping on the bandwagon of people that have a sudden reverence for those that have protected us for more years than anyone reading this has been alive. I have always felt that these men and women deserved an amount of respect for fighting what is a basic human response… to run away from fire… to run away from gunshots and danger. Now both these disciplines have their bad sides but we know what life would be like without them. They are but humans doing a hard job just like the rest of us… I’ll be the first to admit if I blow the changes to Giant Steps no one gets hurt but if one of them does the job wrong someone might die. There it is in a nutshell! Thanks guys! Nuff said!
1 part stream of consciousness, 2 parts social commentary, 3 parts the effect life is having on me, and the effect I try to have on life.