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Showing posts from August, 2005

Jumping on the Fire/paddy wagon

Jumping on the Fire / paddy wagon Listen I’m not jumping on the bandwagon of people that have a sudden reverence for those that have protected us for more years than anyone reading this has been alive. I have always felt that these men and women deserved an amount of respect for fighting what is a basic human response… to run away from fire… to run away from gunshots and danger. Now both these disciplines have their bad sides but we know what life would be like without them. They are but humans doing a hard job just like the rest of us… I’ll be the first to admit if I blow the changes to Giant Steps no one gets hurt but if one of them does the job wrong someone might die. There it is in a nutshell! Thanks guys! Nuff said!

Are we so different?

When I started this blog my intent was to make a case for our sameness as a race... to highlight the falseness of the spaces that separate us. I wanted to simply say to all the people on this planet ( My Family) that it is much wiser to get together than it is to continue down the road killing everyone we see for arbitrary reasons of our own creation. Now don't get me wrong... I am not the salt of the earth, not filled with the milk of human kindness, nor am I the guy that would be described as one that would give you the shirt off his back. I am a simple realist... It is simply "bad for business" to hate, and in my humble opinion quite simple-minded. When I was young and still forming, the impulse to go along with the crowd just was not in me I don't know why. When I left my home to play or go to school it was always an adventure (it still is) I wanted to meet people... in my neighborhood, town, country, world... and as my circle got larger I realized that it was har...

Road to Queenstown

Road to Queenstown Originally uploaded by Monk Peabody . Can't you just feel the alpine-y goodness? New Zealands South Island. On a trip with "She who's name is not spoken"